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Sandwell residents under 16 and over 60 can register for free swimming at any of Sandwell’s leisure centres.
Young people aged 16 and under in Sandwell can swim for free at any public swimming session at Sandwell leisure centres during the school holidays.
Older people living in Sandwell – aged 60-plus – can also swim for free up to 1pm daily, all year round.
Free swimming is available for all residents who meet the criteria – all you need is to register and take proof of your address.
The free swimming programme has been run by Sandwell Council for several years and it’s been extended until March 2018.
Councillor Richard Marshall, cabinet member for leisure said: “I am delighted we provide free swimming in Sandwell for young and older residents.
“We have some fantastic swimming facilities in Sandwell to enjoy. Residents can register online for the free sessions with Sandwell Leisure Trust or with Places for People Leisure at reception in West Bromwich Leisure Centre.
“Alternatively, staff will help anyone directly at our swimming centres in West Bromwich, Smethwick, Wednesbury, Langley in Oldbury, Tipton or Haden Hill in Cradley Heath.
“We are committed to helping people stay active by offering free swimming to enable younger and older people to enjoy swimming. Around 300 people a year in the UK tragically lose their lives in the water and we want to do all we can to help reduce the number of water-related deaths.”
He added: “People’s safety is our top priority and I encourage young people and anyone else who is learning to swim to do so in a safe environment by using anyone of our swimming centres where there are trained members of staff on hand to help support new learners.”
Ash Rai, chief executive for Sandwell Leisure Trust said: “We are delighted to support Sandwell Council’s free swimming initiative to help more people enjoy safer swimming at our excellent pool facilities throughout the borough.”
Mike Wells, Contracts Manager for Places for People, said, “We are happy to continue to support Sandwell Council’s free swimming initiative at West Bromwich Leisure Centre which enables Sandwell’s residents to lead a more active lifestyle.”
Further details and information on how to register are available at www.sandwell.gov.uk/leisure