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back to school covid update

Back to school special edition

After the long separation from friends, we know how exciting it will be for you to be together again. Please make sure you stay safe though, by going straight home after school, instead of hanging out with your mates.

Here is some advice that will help you to protect yourself:


There are some general street safety tips you can follow to help you feel safer and reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

  • Listen to your instincts – if you don’t feel safe move to a busier area.
  • Know your route and avoid badly-lit streets.
  • Always try and tell someone where you’re going and when you’ll be back.
  • Avoid carrying your wallet or phone in your back pocket and never hold it out on display.
  • If you are planning to use a bike or scooter to travel to school, check if there is somewhere you can store it safely during the day.
  • Find out how our crime prevention advice about bikes and scooters and mobile phones can help you to protect your property.


  • Be discreet on the street – keep your valuables out of sight.
  • Stay alert – don’t let headphones block out traffic, strangers or potential trouble.
  • Listen to your instincts – know your route, avoid dark places and if you don’t feel safe, move to a busier area.
  • Trace lost or stolen electrical items by activating their in-built tracker app or by downloading a reputable one from your app store.

If you feel you’re in danger…

  • If you still think you’re being followed, try to get away from the situation.
  • If you are worried, frightened or think you may be in danger, call 999.
  • If you are robbed, try to remember as much detail as you can, for example descriptions of offenders and get in contact with us.
  • Visit Hollie Guard to find out about the App you can download to your phone, which gives you extra protection if you feel unsafe.


Nobody deserves to be bullied, but we know that some young people will have concerns about returning to school. For advice about what you can do if you are being bullied, or if you are concerned your own behaviour could be described as bullying, go to Sandwell Council.

Alternatively, visit BullyingUK

Mental Health

The CoVID situation has been overwhelming for some of us.  If you feel you need emotional support, guidance and reassurance, Sandwell Council provides easy access to mental health services for children and young people.

Parking Outside Schools

If you are going to be dropped off at school, please remind adults how congested the streets outside schools can get at peak times.  Park considerately and allow a few extra minutes so you can be dropped off at a quieter spot and walk the last bit of the way to the school entrance.

Get in touch if you would like to work with us, the school and council to tackle parking problems.

Help Us Spread The Word…

We all have a role to play in helping our children and young people to keep safe.  Even if you don’t have any children of school age yourself, please help us by forwarding this message to anyone you think will find it useful.


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