0121 569 2899
Anti-social behaviour is defined as ‘behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person’ (Antisocial Behaviour Act 2003 and Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 ).
There are three main categories for antisocial behaviour, depending on how many people are affected:
For some people, anti-social behaviour (ASB) is about graffiti, litter or abandoned cars. Other people may experience more personal ASB such as nuisance or noisy neighbours, rowdy gangs in the street, verbal abuse or being a victim of crime.
Anti-social behaviour is defined in law as “behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person”. However, in some cases, activities may be classed as ASB if they cause nuisance and annoyance only.
The following activities are things we will generally treat as anti-social behaviour if they cause harassment, alarm, distress or significant nuisance and annoyance:
We will always treat incidents of hate crime, harassment, physical violence and threats of violence as anti-social behaviour.
These are some examples of behaviour we generally don’t consider to be ASB: The sound of children playing or a baby crying. Everyday living noises, such as toilet flushing, closing doors, vacuuming. Minor personal disputes and differences.
Behaviour that annoys one person may not annoy someone else. In each individual case, we will consider whether certain incidents are ASB.
These are some examples of behaviour we generally don’t consider to be ASB:
If you have a problem with your neighbour, you should attempt to discuss the matter with them before approaching us or the police unless you think that it is unsafe to do so.
If the problem has been going on for some time, it would be helpful if you could make a note of the issues. Where appropriate, this might include times, dates, descriptions, vehicle registrations, etc.
If you feel you or your family are in immediate danger due to anti-social behaviour, you should call the police on 999.
If you have any other concerns in relation to anti-social behaviour, but are not in any immediate danger, please visit the West Midlands Police website where you can find helpful advice or use their Live Chat facility. Always make a note of any reference numbers you receive as this may help us if we have to speak to the police later on.
Some types of anti-social behaviour should be reported to the council, not the police.
You can use this online form on Sandwell Council’s website to report the problem.