0121 569 2899
We would like your support to invite young people to complete an online survey where they can express their views. This will be done in advance of the event and the responses will form the basis of the discussions on the day. We had a fantastic response last year with over 500 surveys completed through primary and secondary schools and this along with the conference outcomes helped shape the programme of events this year.
The survey can be accessed using the following link: https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=144422290766
We ask that you promote this as much as possible throughout your school community using the attached e-flyer, social media and any other forms of communications that you may provide, targeted at staff and students. The survey is open to all students in Year 5 and above.
We think that this is an exciting opportunity for young people to influence how the Council and partners go about their business and is something that we will build on. Please can you circulate details of the online survey which is live until the 18th December.
Each individual will be entered into a prize draw to WIN £100 VOUCHERS and the school will be recognised for their contribution through the democracy award.